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Your most comprehensive fansite for Robbie Amell - celebrating nearly 16 years online

Mar 30, 2010

Synopsis of Saturday’s All-New True Jackson

411mania wrote out a synopsis of John Cena’s guest appearance on True Jackson VP.

On April 3rd, John Cena will have a cameo appearance on Nickelodeon’s True Jackson VP, which will air at 8:30 PM that night. On the show, Vivica A. Fox and Willow Smith make special appearances, playing True’s mother and young True, respectively. Meanwhile, Ryan (Matt Shively) and Jimmy’s (Robbie Amell) preview screening of John Cena’s new action movie turns into an all-night adventure when their hero Cena surprises the audience by showing up, giving Ryan and Jimmy the thrill of their lives when he brings them to the set of his next movie and later, to a celebrity hockey game.

Are you excited for it?

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